Mugwump Moving

Dear Friends, Fans, and Family:

I gave myself permission not to write my Saturday Musings yesterday.  I found myself at a distant locale without my own computer.  Someone offered me a cup of coffee.  Thoughts that I had been entertaining of borrowing my host’s PC to write flew out of my mind, wafted to the wind on the fragrance of freshly brewed java.

I have written these Musings since June of 2008.  I found myself temporarily alone for the first time since 08 July 1991 when my son entered the world, laughing.  For that 17 years, I had been first a single mother, than a wife.  That spouse decamped  and my son embarked on his first major foray from home.  In the silence of the summer air, I turned to writing as a way of beginning the process of evolving which had temporarily halted when self met self’s eyes over a positive home test in the fall of 1990.

Now my world has turned a few more clicks to the west.  In the next two weeks, I’ll cram the last boxes of my belongings into a vehicle and hit the road.  When I surface, I’ll be living in 313 square feet in the Delta east of Oakland, California.  I’ll winter there.  I’ll look for work and commute back and forth, closing out cases and saying goodbye to my Midwestern haunts.  The Usual Suspects will gather for Christmas in January.  I’ll make one more First Friday at Ruthie Becker’s Gallery 504 if I plan my visits well.  I’ll let go, but keep one strong tap root in Missouri soil.

With this latest metamorphosis, the Musings will doubtless change as well.  So, I’m taking a hiatus from them.  I’ll still blog at    You can subscribe to that blog to keep pace with my life, and the Musings will resurface in the fullness of time.

In fact, over the last eight years, I’ve amassed a plethora of work due to my weekly entry here.   I’ve decided to issue a collection of the entries in book form.  They will be joined in a volume with prints of visual art by Mary Pettet.  We hope to release the work by Christmas of 2018.  I’ll post news of the project here, so you should keep your subscription.

Thank you for eight years of loyal reading.  I will resurface here from time-to-time, and over on MYWOC.  If you want occasional social/political commentary from me, you can find it now and then at  I don’t post there often because, to be frank, I am so horrified by the erosion of progress in America, that I barely have the stomach for it.  You can read some entries also at, to which I had to retreat when My Eyes Are Watching You got splogged.  There’s a link to that page on the main political blog.

I wish you all a lovely holiday season, and joy in the coming year.  Think of me now and then.  You can write to me at  All e-mail answered unless it contains profanity or pro-Trump rhetoric.  By now you should know that I think he’s the saddest excuse for a president that this country has ever seen, so don’t waste your breath trying to argue his merits.  Any other dialogue welcome, including videos of your cat doing tricks.

I thank you all for your faithful reading.  I will keep in touch.  Until we meet again, please know that you remain in my heart.  Somewhere in NORCAL, a Missouri Mugwump will be thinking of you, with all the Mugwumpitude she can muster.  Surely, that counts for something.

Be well.  I love you all.

Mugwumpishly tendered,

Corinne Corley

Alert CHIPs. I’m taking a bit of home across the border.



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