The long-awaited ELECTRONIC version of “Mugwumpishly Tendered” is now AVAILABLE in PDF from Lulu!

Ebook in PDF from Lulu: HERE!


Please note:  If you would rather have an eBook in a format that you can seamlessly read on your Kindle or other E-Reader, wait to purchase the eBook until later this summer when we upload the optional ePub version.  If you’re fine with the PDF and just want the book in digital, thank you for clicking on the above-appearing link, which will take you to my book on


Book published by Write the Future: An Imprint of Spartan Press

Copyright M. Corinne Corley, 2022



Summer Charity As the Year of Fundraising Continues!

The Missouri Mugwump(tm) brings you FUNDRAISING!

Buy a book, help a cause!

Help a cause, get a free book!

It’s a Mugwumpishly Good Idea!

To commemorate Pride Month, I am (as I always do) designating The Trevor Project as my June / Summer charity.

The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ+ young people. They provide information and support to LGBTQ+ 
young people 24/7, all year round.

As you know, I donate at least 20% of the revenue from my book sales to a different designated charity. 

You have two ways to give and get a copy of my book:

Direct Donation = FREE BOOK!  If you directly donate at least $25.00 to The Trevor Project, I will send you my book without charge.  Just email a copy of the receipt for your donation to me at  You can black out any personal info.   I will cover the mailing cost.  I will inscribe your book.  I will take it to the post office myself!

Buy My Book = I donate 20%!  If you buy a copy of my book through this website (not Amazon) I will donate at least 20% of the purchase price to The Trevor Project.  My book is $20.00 and mailing cost is $5.00.  

Really, making the donation yourself is much better for you!  You get my book inscribed and mailed to you; I cover the cost; you get the charitable deduction; and a worthwhile cause, The Trevor Project, gets your dollars!  All you have to do is donate at least $25.00 and send me a copy of your receipt via email along with your full name, to whom you want the book inscribed, and the address to which you want your book mailed!

Either way — I will inscribe your copy of my book and mail it to you on the Friday after you purchase it through me or email documentation of your donation to me at


And as always, any time of the year, any day of the week:

If you or anyone you know needs help breaking out of family violence, please call:

National Domestic Violence hotline at 800-799-7233

Rose Brooks Center at 816-754-6876

Safe Home at 913-262-2868.  

If you or someone you love is experiencing thoughts of self-harm, please call: 

 Suicide and Crisis Hotline:  Dial 988

There is always a way.  You are not alone. 


Thank you for your purchase; and thank you for any donation you are able to directly make.  

Order in our shop HERE for an inscribed copy directly mailed from my home in California.  Purchase a print-on-demand copy (not inscribed) on Amazon HERE.  Paperback edition now available.

Sales of the book for pick-up local to the California Delta or shipping by USPS ongoing. 

Prints of the companion photographs are available by direct purchase from the photographer, Genevieve Casey, at her Zenfolio site.


The choice of a Mugwump is an important decision and should not be based upon advertising alone.

Be well.

Mugwumpishly tendered,
Corinne Corley
The Missouri Mugwump™

“Mugwumpishly Tendered:  Essays from the seasons of one woman’s life” is brought to you by The Missouri Mugwump™ and published by Write the Future, an imprint of Spartan Press, KC MO.

To purchase  prints of the photographs in the book, visit photographer Genevieve Casey’s Zenfolio site.