Author Archives: CC

11 March 2017

Good morning, It’s five past the witching hour, but the dog and I awakened so early that the birds still slept in their tender nests of yesterday’s leaves and tiny…

04 March 2017

Good morning, Standing on one’s feet for four hours should be exhausting.  At the end of the Art @ Suite 100 opening last night, the fatigue lurked in one corner…

25 February 2017

Good morning, With a cup of dairy-free yogurt and a mug of coffee, I settle in front of the computer and think about my week.  I’m a little nauseous from…

18 February 2017

Good morning, I entered a Family Court courtroom yesterday filled with apprehension.  My anxiety arose because of a snippy exchange that I had with one of the attorneys involved in…

11 February 2017

Good morning, As I survey my to-do list, the sun inches itself over the line of scraggly trees between the houses to the east of mine.  Day has not fully…

21 January 2017

Good morning, A chill grips  my bones today.  When I opened the door to let the dog into the yard, tendrils  of grey crept into the house.   Perhaps the rising…

14 January 2017

Good morning, The ice storms have spared us so far.  A slight sheen winks at me from the back stairs but the old dog has no trouble navigating them.  I…

07 January 2017

Good morning, I stumble around the house with wild hair and a rueful grin.  Eight o’frickin’ clock, I mutter.  I spy an e-mail from Pat Reynolds and shoot one back:…

Happy New Year

To My Faithful Friends, If you receive this post, you have been successfully subscribed to the new Musings website. A few bugs linger.  The good folks at strive to…