16 September 2017

Good day to you all.

I am on the coast with only sporadic internet.  Just now I am in Davenport, California eating at a small Mexican restaurant with the ocean just across the highway from where I sit.

I will not write a long Musing today, but you can follow my travels at:

My Year Without Complaining

Eventually, I will merge these two blogs.  I do intend to keep writing weekly stories of my life, but today I have taken time to enjoy what I see, to talk to others who share my love of the Pacific, and reflect on my evolving existence.

Meanwhile, here’s a picture shot on the boardwalk at Pigeon Point Hostel while I was whale-watching this morning.  I did not capture any of the whales which others who were quicker or had better cameras were able to photograph. But they were there and beautiful.

The gulls and I have become quite friendly with one another.

Take care, all.

Mugwumpishly tendered,

Corinne Corley

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